2012年5月18日 星期五


Taoyuan, Taiwan
Summary Conclusions

紀念臺灣編入日本67週年 (1945年4月1日 - 2012年4月1日)
In commemoration of the 67th year of Taiwan’s incorporation into Japanese national territory.

During the recent meeting of “the Union of Japan and Taiwan”, the following approaches were proposed to be launched:

A. 凡是能達到目標的方案,就是好的方案,日本同心將就下列方案提出協助:
Any strategy which can lead to the realization of our goals is worthy of pursuit, and is a good strategy. The Japanese members of this Union are expected to help with the following courses of action:

1. 透過日本國會
Coordination with the Japanese Diet;

2. 透過宮內廳
Coordination with the Imperial Household Agency;

3. 重返甲子園
Rejoin Spring Koushien (The National High School Baseball Invitational Tournament) as well as Summer Koushien (The National High School Baseball Championship)

B. 基於台灣關係法架構內管轄範圍,僅及於福爾摩沙和澎湖之「台灣治理當局」,並不等於根據中華民國憲法,宣稱領土主權及於中國之本土和金馬地區之「中華台北政權」,請日本同心務必認清流亡中華民國政府在台北(中華台北)的事實,不是台灣:
The governing authorities on Taiwan with jurisdiction over Formosa and the Pescadores under the Taiwan Relations Act, does not equal to the regime of Chinese Taipei, claiming sovereignty over China mainland, Kingmen, and Matsu on the authority of the Constitution of the Republic of China. It is important for Japanese members of this Union to recognize clearly that the Chinese government in exile, which joins international organizations in the name of "Chinese Taipei" is without any position to represent Taiwan.

1. 無論本質為被占領領土軍事政府之「台灣治理當局」或本質為流亡中華民國政府在台北之「中華台北」,皆無立場代表台灣和日本建立關係。


Neither the governing authorities on Taiwan, fundamentally as a military government in occupied territory, nor Chinese Taipei, fundamentally as the
Chinese exiled government in Taipei, is in a position to represent Taiwan to establish relations with Japan.

The "Taiwan-Japan relation" claimed by Chinese Taipei is essentially the relationship between the Chinese exiled Government in Taipei and Japan, hence actually it is the "Taipei-Japan relation".

2. 本質為被占領領土軍事政府之台灣治理當局本應無外交權能,日本政府無和台灣治理當局建立「日台關係」之正當性。


The governing authorities on Taiwan being fundamentally a military government in occupied territory, does not have power over foreign affairs. As a result, it is not justifiable for the Government of Japan to establish the so-called "Japan-Taiwan relation" with the governing authorities on Taiwan.

The "Japan-sino relation" claimed by the Japanese Congress is essentially the relationship between Japan and the Chinese exiled Government in Taipei.

3. 本質為被占領領土民事政府之台灣民政府並無外交權能,台灣民政府目前無和日本政府建立關係之正當性。


The Taiwan Civil Government being fundamentally a civil government in occupied territory, does not have power over foreign affairs. As a result, it is not justifiable for the Taiwan Civil Government to establish relations with the Government of Japan at present.

The "Japan-Taiwan relation" claimed by the Taiwan Civil Government is essentially the relationship between the people of Japan and the people of Taiwan.


Normalization of Taiwan’s legal status needs the support from the grass-roots people of Japan. Hence, to exercise the Union of Japan and Taiwan is indispensable, and cannot afford to fail.

會中討論大日本帝國和大英國協之不同模式,大英協諸國是效忠女皇主權,因此,大英國協女王 至今擁有54個國家。大日本帝國是由日本北海道、日本本州、日本九州、日本四國、日本琉球和日本台灣共同組成建立一個大日本政府,天皇是被大日本人民全體共同效忠的對象,台澎自己擁有自治政府。
In the meeting, the difference of the Empire of Japan and the British Commonwealth were discussed. For example, in the British Commonwealth, with a reported 54 members, allegiance is to the Queen as the sovereign. In the Empire of Japan, there are the Japanese islands of Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku, Okinawa, and Taiwan, which can be combined to to create a great Japanese government, and the Japanese people give their allegiance to the Emperor. Of course, Taiwan has its own government, and is self-governing.

From the time of the establishment of the Taiwan Civil Government in 2008, the Chinese exiles in Taiwan, unless complying with the specifications of the “People of Taiwan Citizenship Rights Act,” will not have the opportunity to become Taiwan citizens. Importantly, all persons in Taiwan, whether citizens or residents, should strongly support the Taiwan Civil Government. The formation of the TCG is based on correct legal and historical principles.

「Make no mistakes」,當年中國流亡逃台難民並非都是令人同情之無
國籍人士,反而是結合中國占領當局,和中國流亡政府之中國殖民政權exiled Chinese colonial regime轄下之占領方中國人。被占領方本土台灣人如卑屈向占領
Make No Mistakes. Not all of the Chinese exiles who fled to Taiwan in the late 1940s are stateless persons to whom we should offer sympathy. In fact, they are Chinese as occupying party under the jurisdiction of the Chinese colonial regime composed of Chinese occupying forces and Chinese exiled refugees. If the occupied native Taiwanese were to cringe in the face of the occupying Chinese exiles requesting support for the Taiwan Civil Government,

1. 於情 要求有反日情結之流亡中國人,以日本天皇為最終效忠是違反情理, 強人所難。

1. In view of the emotion

It is against the humanism, hence unreasonable, to demand that those
Chinese exiles with anti-Japanese mindset on Taiwan should owe their
ultimate allegiance to the Emperor of Japan.

2. 於理 要求既得利益之占領方,支持與其有利益衝突之被占領方是違反常理,自討無趣。

2. In view of the logic

It is against the custom, hence futile, to demand that the occupying party as
political beneficiaries with existing interest should support the inhabitants
of the occupied territory in conflict with the occupiers.

3. 於法 要求法理中國籍流亡難民歸化,成法理無國籍台灣人是違反法理,違背世界人權宣言。

3. In view of the law

It is against the Universal Declaration of Human rights, hence illegal, to
demand that those Chinese exiles with legal Chinese nationality on Taiwan
should be naturalized as stateless people of Taiwan.

The Taiwan Civil Government is under the jurisdiction of the United States Military Government (USMG). The TCG has been organized by the native Taiwanese people of occupied Taiwan, and is not connected to the occupying Chinese exiles. In fact, there is no issue of whether or not the native Taiwanese and the Chinese exiles join together in any sort of association or grouping, since the disposition of the Chinese exiles is the responsibility of the USMG. The Japanese members of this Union already completely understand the significance of the organization of TCG under the laws of war.

另外,有別於澳洲(Commonwealth of Australia)是以「聯邦的型式」成為大英國協一員的主權國家,台灣早是已被編入為日本國土一部份,最大的限度是以「聯邦的型式」實現國土內的自治,而非成為主權獨立國家。
In addition, the Commonwealth of Australia became a member of the British Commonwealth by means of a "Commonwealth" arrangement. In contrast, Taiwan has already become an integral part of Japan, and the greatest extent possible for Taiwan’s future development is to realize Taiwanese aspirations for self-government within Japanese territories in a form of "som sort of commopnwealth" and not to become an independent sovereign nation.

作者:林 志昇(武林 志昇˙林峯弘) by Dr. Roger C. S. Lin
福爾摩沙法理建國會 執行長
Secretary-General, Formosa Nation Legal-strategy Association

= = = Glossary of Terminology = = =

日臺共同連盟, Japan and Taiwan Union Consensus
Source: http://usmgtcg.ning.com/forum/topics/6473745:Topic:13032

* 宮內廳, Imperial Household Agency
Source: http://www.kunaicho.go.jp/eindex.html

* 甲子園, "Summer Kōshien" (夏の甲子園 natsu no kōshien), Japanese High School Baseball Championship

* 民事政府, civil government

* 中國流亡政府之中國殖民政權exiled Chinese colonial regime

* 大日本帝國, the Empire of Japan

* 卑屈, cringe
Source:卑躬屈膝, 阿諛奉承

* 聯邦的型式, Commonwealth
Source: http://usmgtcg.ning.com/forum/topics/6473745:Topic:12803
亦說 邦聯制,

* 大英國協 British Commonwealth

